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IP address query method

Digi admin Views Comment

You can search the IP address in the browser by querying the IP address, and the web page will display the IP address of your computer's external network. You can also press win+R on the keyboard, enter cmd and ipconfig in order, and the ipv4 address displayed in the command prompt is the internet ip address, and the default gateway is the intranet ip address

IP address query method


After entering the computer desktop, double-click to open the browser, and then search with Baidu search engine“ ip” Two letters, the first line of the web page searched is the IP address of your computer's external network, but this method can only query the IP external network address, not the internal network IP address


After entering the computer desktop, press and hold“ on the keyboard at the same time; win+R” Key, and enter“ cmd” You can enter the background command prompt, and then enter“ ipconfig”, The displayed ipv4 address is the internet ip address, and the default gateway is the intranet ip address


Open the control panel option on the computer, and click“ with the left mouse button; Network and intenet” After selecting, click“ with the left mouse button; Network and Sharing Center”, Then click“ Ethernet, Details”, The ipv4 address and ipv4 default gateway in the network connection details are the internet ip address and intranet pi address

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