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What to do if I forget the Apple password

Digi admin Views Comment

If you forget your Apple ID password, you can enter the center of Apple's official website and find“ in the management page; Manage your appleID options”, After entering the registered email, click Forgot Password to change the new password through the email verification code. If Apple's power-on password is forgotten, you can open iCloud on the computer, and then use the Apple system to clear the data

1. Forgot Apple's id password

If you forget Apple's id password, you can go to Apple's official website to retrieve it. First, enter the center of Apple's official website and find“ in the management page; Manage your appleID options”, A dialog box will pop up to let you enter the ID of the registered Apple, and this ID must be in the format of the mailbox, so pay attention to the format when entering

Enter Apple id in the login interface and select“ Forgot Password”, At this time, the system will ask to check the mailbox verification code, so after entering the mailbox verification code bound to the Apple ID, you can modify the new Apple ID password. After changing the password, you can set the password retrieval method so that it is convenient to retrieve the password next time

2. Forgot Apple's power-on password

If you forget your Apple phone password, you can first open iCloud on your computer, then log in to Apple's id account and find“ Find my iPhone” Then click“ Erase iPhone”. With this method, you can restart the password of Apple's phone, but the data in the phone will be cleared, so you should backup the phone information at any time

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