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The system cannot be accessed after the computer is turned on

Digi admin Views Comment

When the computer power-on card is stuck in the welcome interface, you can press and hold the power-on key to restart. If it doesn't work, you can press and hold F8 when power-on, and then select the safe mode. If the English code appears when the computer is turned on, you need to reinstall the computer. If there is a prompt such as Keyboard Error on the computer startup screen, the device needs to be replaced or reconnected

1. When the card is stuck in the welcome interface

After the computer is turned on, if the card cannot enter the system in the welcome interface, you can press and hold the power-on key to force the restart. If the forced restart is still the case, it indicates that there is a problem with the computer driver installation. You can press F8 and select the security mode in the advanced option interface when starting up, and then uninstall or antivirus the driver that caused the system crash

2. The English code appears

When the computer starts up and the English code cannot enter the system, it is likely to be caused by system damage, such as the loss of the main boot file and the damage of the partition table. At this time, it is necessary to make a USB flash drive startup tool, and then reinstall the system to the computer, and the computer can recover

3. Prompt Keyboard Error

If the display prompts“ Keyboard Error”, Or“ Hard disk install failure” It means that the keyboard, hard disk and other equipment are damaged or not connected properly. At this time, it is necessary to replace the damaged equipment or reconnect the equipment

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