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The eight most commonly used functions in excel

Digi admin Views Comment

The eight most commonly used functions in excel are: Sum; Minimum value; Maximum value; average; Calculate the number of values; Output random number; Condition function; rounding. After selecting table values, click the fx function option to select the corresponding calculation method. Learning function calculation can improve work efficiency, convenient and fast

The eight most commonly used functions in excel

The eight most commonly used functions in excel are: Sum; Minimum value; Maximum value; average; Calculate the number of values; Output random number; Condition function; rounding. After learning these functions, you can improve work efficiency and save time; It is not only convenient to use excel forms, but also simple and handy

Among the algorithm functions, summation is the most used. Place the mouse in the summation cell, insert the fx function from the table column, and select Sum to sum; The minimum value and maximum value are also used in the same way. The symbols are represented by Min and Max respectively. The average function has a slightly longer letter. Click Average to calculate the average value of a row or column

There is also the count function; Output random number Rand; Round; Conditional function“ IF”, And if the conditions are met, Value1 will be displayed; if not, Value2 will be displayed. These functions are to select the table value, enter the corresponding function characters, or find the corresponding options in the function in the toolbar

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