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What should I do if I forget my Apple ID password

Digi admin Views Comment

If you forget your Apple ID password, you can use the webpage to modify it. Go to Apple's official website, click the Manage Your Apple ID link on the page, click the Forgot Password link below, enter your account, click Continue, select Reset Password, click Continue, select Email to retrieve your password, and then reset your password

1. Web page modification

Open Apple's official website and click" at the bottom of the page; Manage your Apple ID” Link, click the link below to forget the password in the new page, enter your account, click Continue, select Reset Password, click Continue, select to retrieve the password by email, and then reset the password

2. Answer the security question to retrieve

The security question can also be retrieved on Apple's official website, click the button“ Next”, Verify your birth date and click“ Next”, Enter the new password twice, and then click“ Reset Password”, You can set it successfully

3. Modify the Apple ID account page

Go to the Apple ID account page and click“ Forgot Apple ID password”, Enter your first name, last name and email address according to the reminder, so that you can find your Apple ID password

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