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Ps shortcut key

Digi admin Views Comment

The ps shortcut key is an important auxiliary tool. Here are some commonly used shortcut keys for ps, which are basically“ CTRL”,& ldquo; SHIFT”,& ldquo; ALT” The combination of letters and letters can greatly improve the efficiency of work if you are good at using shortcut keys

CTRL+Z, which generally means to undo the previous operation

CTRL+J, copy the selected layer or area

CTRL+T, freely change the selected layer

Color scale CTRL+L, curve CTRL+M, color balance CTRL+B, reverse phase CTRL+I

CTRL+N, create a new one items

CTRL+D, deselect, CTRL+SHIFT+D, Reselect the previous selection area

CTRL+SHIFT+I, reverse select

CTRL+E, merge the selected layers

CTRL+SHIFT+E, merge the selected visible layers

CTRL+R, and open the ruler

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