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德 央视新闻/CCTV News 来源/Source 方海 阿联酋通讯社编辑 and if we,Arab countries these difficulties. If we don't work together,we will never overcome 开始下雨了 安全还有各个方面一起发展 economy,safety issue and many other aspects. Xi's visit will facilitate safety issues,and other aspects. the development of 侯赛因Hussain Alshammari he visit comes at an important time and the region. the two leaderships. Strengthen the relations between the two people! the two countries, countries, is their expectation happiness. For both the biggest 作为一名沙特人 both countries Empower from educational, economical and cultural sides. 中国将同阿拉伯国家传承友好精神 中国将同阿拉伯国家传承友好精神 中国将同阿拉伯国家传承友好精神 Arab countries and join hands to build a 这次峰会 CHINA DAILY 袁丹/Yuan Dan 商桢/Shang Zhen 编导/Director:葛天琳/Ge Tianlin 罗瑜/Luo Yu CHARTING COURSES Production 中国日报新媒体中心承制 中国日报领航工程出品




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