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How to use ps to remove watermark

How to use ps to remove watermark

admin 2023-03-15 139浏览 评论

There are three ways to remove the watermark in ps: the first is to fill it directly with the lasso tool, which is the simplest and easiest to use; the second is to use the patch tool to smear; the third is to use the stamp tool, which is m...

Ps shortcut key

Ps shortcut key

admin 2023-03-15 198浏览 评论

The ps shortcut key is an important auxiliary tool. Here are some commonly used shortcut keys for ps, which are basically CTRL, SHIFT, ALT The combination of letters and letters can greatly improve the efficiency of work if you are good at...

How to set up enhanced wifi signal in router

How to set up enhanced wifi signal in router

admin 2023-03-15 191浏览 评论

The way to set up the enhanced wifi signal on the router is very simple. You can set it directly in the browser of the computer. After logging in your user name, you can adjust the signal to the enhanced mode Router setting and enhancing wi...

天王背后的女人:竟被誉为“香港最神秘的女人”!原因令人震惊! #刘德华

天王背后的女人:竟被誉为“香港最神秘的女人”!原因令人震惊! #刘德华

admin 2022-11-16 206浏览 评论

这是天王的女人第一次公开露面 朱丽倩曾被香港的媒体形容为 他是全香港最神秘的女人 没有之一 除了刘德华之外 他的真正面目 但直到2009年8月26日这天 当天由于朱丽倩的父亲过世 因此导致他和刘德华之间的婚姻消息 也随之曝光 给我時间 谢谢你 新闻资料重面20...